Please find below all of current shipping udpates.
Please note: If you ordered multiple books, your items will be shipped together with the latest dated item. Shipping is calculated as a combined package.
Estimated shipping timeframes are subject to delay due to weather, shipping complications, and extra time needed to spray the books.
This page was last updated on: Feb. 7th, 2025
February 7th - The books are currently stuck in customs, which has delayed their shipment to us. Our printer has told us they'll arrive to us by March 15h.
Expected to begin shipping March 15-20th.
Expected to begin shipping March 15-20th.
Please note: If you ordered multiple books, your items will be shipped together with the latest dated item. Shipping is calculated as a combined package.
Expected to begin shipping late January 2024
Dec 22nd - Books are currently being sprayed.
Jan 13th - Books have arrived. We will ship these the last week of January.
Feb 7th - All single orders have shipped
Expected to begin shipping February 2024.
Dec. 22 - Books have been ordered and we are waiting to receive them to spray.
January 13 - Half of our books have arrived to be sprayed. Due to the holidays, books arrived later than anticipated. Please expect your order to ship late February.
February 7th - We're still waiting on a few books to be sprayed, but we have received a portion. We'll begin sihpping these out Feb. 10th.
Expected to begin shipping mid/late March 2025.
January 17th- Currently waiting books to arrive to spray.
Feb. 7th - Books are currently being sprayed.
Expected to ship April 2025.
Expected to begin shipping mid-Decemeber.
October 14th: Books are currently on the way to the vendor to be sprayed.
October 23rd: Books are currently being sprayed.
November 24th: Books are on the way to us and expected to begin shipping December 6th at the latest.
Dec. 15th: All single orders have been picked up by USPS. Please note, due to the holidays it may take an additional day or so for tracking info to update.
These titles are expected to ship the first week of February.
If you purchased an overstock book, the current processing time is 2-3 weeks as noted in the product description.
If you ordered more than one limited edition, your items will ship together once every single item is ready to ship. Shipments are calculated as combined shipping.
Example: If you ordered two novels, and one is expected to ship in January and the second in March, your items will not ship until March.